Curatorial notes:
“We have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.” – Werner Heisenberg.
It seems humanity is stuck on repeat cycle, spinning round and round with no real clue as to the true nature of things.
Symmetry cannot be broken since all events are one with the cycle of birth, life, death and resurrection. This is one of the many truths of our existence.
It is apparent that through symmetry, the Hidden and the Un-seen shape our daily reality. Or; on a deeper level, the collective experience referred to as living.
Time to Re-Invent Life through ART.

Contributing Artists : Marko Maglaic ~ Visual Artist
Andrew Hustwaite ~ Visual Artist & Sculptor
Glenn A. Cannon ~ Published Author
Jackie Ralph ~ Artist & Sculptor
Anthony Breslin ~ Visual Artist
Phil Voodoo ~ Visual Artist
Michael Blamey ~ Photographer
Emmanuel Santos ~ International Photographer
Cal the Stoner ~ Sculptor & Stone Mason
Including special guest musicians, fire spinning and circus performers
Hosted by St Kilda Anglican Church in association with St Kilda Art Crawl (SKAC)