Created by Samara Hersch and Louris van de Geer
Theatre production satirises US TV game shows in ACMI film studio
Inspired by a real-life town in New Mexcio, USA, that changed its name to that of a television game show called Truth or Consequences in the 1950’s, Hello there, we’re been waiting for you is a theatre production that investigates the politics of identity, history and happiness.
Presented at ACMI from Wednesday 30 April – Sunday 11 May, 2014, and utilising the centre’s camera technologies to create a game show feel, Hello There We’ve Been Waiting For You is written by Louris van de Geer and directed by Samara Hersch.
Set within the elusive confines of a television studio in the lead up to the town’s annual May Fiesta, Hello There examines one’s quest to stand out in the world. Through the use of a live video feed and television tricks, this work deconstructs the art of construction and asks how we universally seek to be significant and examines the ways in which we re-invent stories, play with truth and find happiness.
In May 2013, Louris van de Geer visited the town Truth or Consequences and participated in the May Fiesta. She has built strong connections with the community and believes passionately in sharing the intriguing and complex stories that have kept this town on the map.
“I was hooked on this project from the moment Louris casually described a remarkable and obscure town in New Mexico who have been caught in a pre-reality TV obsession for over half a century,” said Emily Sexton, Next Wave Artistic Director. “In Louris and Samara’s capable hands we’ve fallen in love with these townsfolk who have willingly chosen fantasy over the more mundane American reality. Sitting in the live studio audience at ACMI, the full colour vision of this super talented female duo comes to life through a terrific ensemble – including the totally hilarious Genevieve Giuffre.”
Collaborating artists include: Louris van de Geer, Samara Hersch, Aaron Orzech, Genevieve Giuffre, Susie Dee, Don Bridges, Lucy Thornett, Eugyeene Teh, James Paul and Amelia Lever-Davidson.