Port Phillip Gilgamesh Salon

Evening Star home to THE SALON

Co hosts Jacinta Le Plastrier & Renan Goskin copyright pationpics.com
Co hosts Jacinta Le Plastrier & Renan Goskin

Last century, back in the 90’s I was intrinsically linked to a group of inspirational and extraordinary street poets. My dear friend the late Allan “Word Warrior” Gregory was one of the driving forces that propelled this often rough and raw community to bare their souls weekly around the pubs of Melbourne on both sides of the Yarra. Equipped with robust creative spirits they did this with little to no other resources and my contribution at that time was a weekly article titled ‘Poets Corner’ featured in our family’s local independent newspaper.

Fast tracking a couple of decades and my dear friend Marian Webb a natural born wordsmith and local poet invited me to attend last Monday nights’ innovative evening of live performances at THE SALON; the new monthly Port Phillip Gilgamesh Salon at the Evening Star in South Melbourne.

Being told we were heading to a pub, on arrival I was thoroughly enamoured by the exotic digs provided by our host the cosmopolitan Renan Goksin, owner of St Kilda’s iconic Claypots.

After a spicy feed provided by the well stocked galley and armed with my camera it didn’t take long for me to be inspired to start shooting.

Esteemed writer Jacinta Le Plastrier THE SALON organiser is attracting and featuring the best Oz writers, poets, artists and thinkers to these very special monthly events. As a result, I was again transported to the ethereal and tribal world of lyrical connection where the creative juices flow unabated. But this time I was in the midst of a very classy, bohemian ship of artists; surrounded by high tech installations and the cream of Melbourne’s poet’s and academics.

For details of next months event:


Nicholas Jones copyright pationpics.com

Marian Webb copyright pationpics.com
Local poet Marian Webb
Bea Sweet copyright pationpics.com
Bea Sweet
Benjamin Laird copyright pationpics.com
Benjamin Laird
MC Matt Hetherington, Jacinta le Plastrier, Benjamin Laird
The nights MC and poet Matt Hetherington, Jacinta and Benjamin

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